Fossl Energy

Pioneering sustainable solutions for the global oil markets.


Embark on a transformative journey with Fossl Energy, a visionary force committed to reshaping the oil and gas industry's environmental impact. Our mission transcends traditional norms, focusing on securing significant support to replace 10,000 pump systems over the next 5 years. This strategic initiative specifically targets dormant wells, addressing the annual release of over 250,000 metric tons of methane in the US alone. At Fossl Energy, we redefine success not by financial metrics, but by our collective ability to drive positive change in an industry historically associated with environmental challenges.Central to our endeavor is Fossl Energy's groundbreaking solar-powered pneumatic pump technology—a symbol of efficiency and environmental responsibility. By harnessing sustainable practices and pioneering a new era in hydrocarbon extraction, we envision a future where the industry's impact on the planet is drastically reduced. Join us in this mission to usher in a more responsible and sustainable era for oil and gas, where innovation aligns seamlessly with global environmental stewardship.

Technology for tomorrow.

In the realm of sustainable hydrocarbon extraction, Fossl Energy unveils a design-led marvel—the solar-powered pneumatic pump technology. At the vanguard of eco-conscious oil extraction, this innovation gracefully harnesses renewable energy, aligning seamlessly with the prevailing global shift towards sustainability. It’s more than technology; it's a harmonious integration with the ethos of a planet in search of greener energy practices.Crafted with precision and a relentless pursuit of efficiency, Fossl Energy's technology engineers a new narrative for the oil industry. Exceeding global efficiency standards, our system emerges as a beacon of progress—engineered to be 90% more efficient than its traditional counterparts, setting a paradigm shift in the very essence of oil extraction. Moreover, we go beyond efficiency, embodying a commitment to carbon-neutral operations. Our system ingeniously captures 100% of emissions, propelling us towards the forefront of environmental stewardship. It's not just innovation; it’s a conscientious evolution in technology, embracing a future where operations are streamlined, maintenance is minimal, and the heartbeat of the oil industry resonates with sustainability. In our pursuit, we not only unlock untapped reserves but extend a lifeline to previously dormant wells—a testament to our dedication to sustainable resource management, an indispensable cornerstone in defining the future of the global oil industry.

Fossl Energy. Reimagined.

Fossl Energy envisions the phased replacement of antiquated jack pump wells with our cutting-edge solar-powered pneumatic pump technology. Our focus extends across key global markets—North America, South America, Africa, and Asia—wherein our commitment to innovation transcends borders. In the dynamic landscape of the US market, our accomplishments shine with a remarkable 10% to 30%+ surge in production, forging an efficiency standard that reverberates across the global oil industry.Beyond production metrics, our ethos is rooted in a conscientious approach to environmental impact. By meticulously capturing 100% of emissions, we navigate towards a horizon where carbon neutrality becomes more than a goal—it becomes an intrinsic quality of oil extraction operations. Collaborative innovation is at the heart of our vision, with strategic partnerships forged with industry leaders. Together, we chart a course towards a sustainable and lucrative future for the oil industry—one where profitability seamlessly intertwines with a commitment to our planet's well-being.

Investing in a sustainable future.

Embark on a transformative journey with Fossl Energy, a trailblazer in sustainable hydrocarbon extraction, seeking a monumental $40 million investment to replace 10,000 pump systems over the next 5 years. In the backdrop of over 2 million inactive wells in the US and 30 million worldwide, each emitting methane and harmful emissions, our ambition transcends industry norms. The $40 million investment is not just a financial catalyst; it is a commitment to revolutionize the oil industry and mitigate the annual release of over 250,000 metric tons of methane from dormant wells in the US alone.At the heart of Fossl Energy's transformation is our cutting-edge solar-powered pneumatic pump technology—a quantum leap in efficiency. Collaborating with energy providers and visionary partners, we envision a planetary-scale initiative to address the environmental challenges posed by inactive wells. Beyond immediate profits, our core commitment is to planetary stewardship. By replacing 10,000 pump systems, Fossl Energy strives to align with global sustainability goals and create a lasting legacy for a greener, more efficient oil industry. Join us on this cosmic expedition, where sustainability becomes a planetary symphony, propelling us into a future that transcends conventional boundaries.

Year 1 Use of funds:

Manufacturing 1000 units for the South America market.

  • Initial production run for market entry.

  • Targeting high-demand regions.

Fossl Specs (FES)

The Fossl Energy System (FES) pump is a groundbreaking technology revolutionizing oil extraction. It consists of a wellhead with three distinct polypipes - red for compressed air in, blue for air out, and black for fluid out. Underground, stainless steel pumps are installed at intervals of 250 feet, with meshing connected tubing acting as a sediment filter. A weighted cylinder enhances the system's stability, and a robust connecting cable supports up to 6,000 pounds.Operationally, the FES pump is submerged within the well's drilling pipe, where it utilizes a fluid mixture of water, air, and oil. As the pump fills, an internal floater triggers compressed air, propelling the fluid upwards via the black polypipe. Once above the pump, the floater descends, releasing air through the blue polypipe. This process is efficient, running only when fluid is present, in contrast to traditional pump jacks which often operate unnecessarily. The tank configuration includes a tall "Gun Barrel" for initial fluid separation, additional tanks for oil storage, and a smaller tank for water before reinjection. Air is supplied through an air compressor, although future iterations will harness natural gas for compression, eliminating the need for a separate system.U.S. Patent No: 10415603

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Fossl. Investing in a sustainable future.

Financial model & revenue strategy for Fossl Energy.

Revenue strategy.

By implementing this financial model and revenue strategy, Fossl Energy aims to achieve its mission of revolutionizing the oil industry through sustainable technologies while ensuring profitability and positive environmental impact. This comprehensive approach will not only attract strategic investors but also pave the way for a greener, more efficient global oil industry.

  • Product sales, leasing and licensing: Fossl Energy will generate revenue by selling, leasing and licensing its solar-powered pneumatic pump technology to oil companies in target markets. This will include the sale of the Fossl Energy System (FES) pump and associated equipment.

  • Partnerships with oil companies: Collaborative partnerships with major energy and oil companies like Ecopetrol will involve joint ventures in replacing existing jack pump wells with FES technology. These partnerships will result in shared revenues from enhanced production and carbon credit opportunities.

  • Carbon credits: Fossl Energy and its partners will have the opportunity to earn revenue through the sale of carbon credits. By significantly reducing carbon emissions in oil extraction operations, Fossl Energy can participate in global carbon credit markets.

  • Operational efficiency consultation: Fossl Energy may offer consultation services to oil companies for optimizing their operations using FES technology. This could include recommendations for well site selection, system integration, and maintenance best practices.

  • Upgrades and maintenance contracts: Providing ongoing maintenance and upgrade services for the FES pumps will be a revenue stream. This can include periodic inspections, replacements of worn parts, and installation of software updates for optimal performance.

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Fossl. 5 year strategy.

Executive Summary:

Fossl Energy is poised to revolutionize the oil industry by introducing sustainable technologies. Our solar-powered pneumatic pump technology is designed to enhance efficiency, reduce emissions, and increase overall production. This 5-year strategy outlines our approach to market penetration, revenue generation, and sustainable growth in alignment with industry trends.

Market Analysis:

Industry trends:

  • Increasing global demand for sustainable oil extraction methods.

  • Growing focus on carbon neutrality and emissions reduction in the oil sector.

  • Shift towards renewable energy integration within traditional energy sectors.

Target markets:

  • North America, South America, Africa, and Asia identified as key regions for initial market penetration.

  • Expansion into Europe considered in later stages.

Pro Forma

Assumptions and methodology: Years 2024 - 2029
The following projections are based on an in-depth analysis of historical industry data, market trends, and Fossl Energy's internal performance metrics. Assumptions are based on replacing 1000 well pumps in year 1.
Year 1: Market validation and technology refinement
Y1 Revenue: $42,735,639.61
Y1 Cost structure: $(22,655,000.00)
Y1 Net EBITDA: $20,080,639.61
Return on Investment (ROI): Based on a $40MM Investment, and a 20% discount on future equity.

Revenue Streams:

  • Product sales, lease & licensing fees ($30K/unit)

  • Partnership revenues

  • Carbon credit sales

  • Consultation fees

  • Maintenance contracts

RevenueYear 1
Product Sales and Licensing$30,000,000
*Partnership Revenues$11,735,639.61
Carbon Credit Sales$500,000
Maintenance Contracts$500,000
Total Revenue$42,735,639.61

*Partnership Revenue is based on a couple key factors. 1. The amount of crude oil that is produced, 2. Price of a barrel of crude oil, and 3. efficiency of the fuel pumps and cost of production. Projections are based on the average amount of 14 BPD produced by FE partners, the average production cost of $1.50 BPD, and market price of $70 BPD. FE then receives 12% of production sales in perpetuity.** Y1 Numbers are based on the implementation of 1000 units.

Cost Structure:

  • Production costs

  • R&D expenses

  • Sales and marketing

  • Operations and maintenance

  • Partnership costs

  • Consultation costs

CostsYear 1
Production/Install Costs$(15,000,000.00)
R&D Expenses$(200,000)
Sales and Marketing$(400,000)
Cost of Capital$(3,375,000)
Licensing Costs$(1,500,000)
Consultation Costs$(200,000)
Tech/Customer Support$(200,000)
Total Costs$(22,655,000.00)


Y1 1000 Units 
Total EBITDA$20,080,639.61


Year 2: Market validation and technology refinement.
Y2 Revenue: $48,568,389.61
Y2 Cost Structure: $(21,060,000.00)
Y2 EBTDA: $27,508,389.61

  • Establish partnerships with key oil companies for pilot projects in target markets.

  • Conduct rigorous testing and refinement of Fossl Energy System (FES) technology.

  • Generate initial revenue through product sales and consultation services.

Year 3-4: Expansion and scaling.
Y3 Revenue: $55,001,139.61
Y3 Cost Structure: $(22,300,000.00)
Y3 EBTDA: $32,701,139.61

  • Scale operations in target markets based on successful pilot results.

  • Develop additional product offerings and services based on market feedback.

  • Secure strategic investments to support expansion efforts.

Y4 Revenue: $97,266,639.61
Y4 Cost Structure: $(45,260,000.00)
Y4 EBTDA: $52,006,639.61

Year 5: Global market penetration.
Y5 Revenue: $218,430,389.61
Y5 Cost Structure: $ (107,300,000.00)
Y5 EBTDA: $111,130,389.61

  • Expand North America and Europe with a focus on regions with high oil production.

  • Strengthen partnerships with industry leaders to drive adoption of FES technology.

  • Establish Fossl Energy as a leading player in sustainable hydrocarbon extraction.

Y1 Cash Flow

Cash InflowsYear 1
Total Cash Inflows$82,735,640
Cash Outflows 
Cost and Expenses$(22,655,000)
Total Cash Outflows$(22,655,000)
Y1 Net Cash Flow$60,080,639.61
Y5 Cash Flow$273,427,198.05

Risk Management:

  • Market risks: Monitor oil prices and global economic conditions for potential impact on revenue streams.

  • Regulatory compliance: Stay updated on industry regulations and ensure adherence to environmental standards.


Fossl Energy's 5-year strategy aims to drive sustainable growth, profitability, and positive environmental impact within the oil industry. Through innovative technology, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to global sustainability goals, we are poised to lead the way towards a greener future for hydrocarbon extraction.

Case Review

System ComparisonPump Jack (Exisiting System)Fossl Energy System (FES)
Production (BPD)1.161.45
Cost of Production (Average BPD)$20$5
Price BPD$60$60
Annual Maintenance$2,000$500
Maintenance Downtime (Days)505
Weather Downtime (Days)55
Average Runtime (Days)310355
CO2 Emissions Capture (Metric Tons)Zero10
Carbon Credit Sales Net$0.00$500
Partnership Cost (15%)$0.00$4,246.68
Year Net Value$12,384.00$24,064.56
100 Units$1,238,400.00$2,406,456.20

* Comparison table & case review is based on averages of existing systems in place, as market actuals very from day to day.
*Barrels Per Day (BPD) prices in $USD

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Fossl. Specifications.

Coming soon.

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Fossl Energy. Pitch deck.

Revolutionizing sustainable oil production.

Fossl Energy invites strategic investments to accelerate the replacement of existing jack pump wells in select markets, in partnership with global energy leaders such as Ecopetrol and other major energy and oil companies.

The challenge.

  • The global oil industry faces a pressing challenge: balancing energy demand with environmental stewardship.

  • Traditional oil production methods lead to significant carbon emissions and environmental impact.

The environmental toll of traditional oil production.

Onshore oil production poses significant environmental challenges, including varying water resource management practices and inconsistent data collection on spills. Additionally, the management of methane emissions requires urgent improvement, and striking a balance between resource development and community well-being remains a complex task. The environmental impacts of inactive and underutilized onshore wells, including potential leaks and groundwater contamination, further underscore the need for responsible well closure and decommissioning practices.

Inactive & abandoned wells:

*3.2 million orphaned and abandoned wells in the United States. Orphaned and abandoned wells in the United States were collectively responsible for emitting 281,000 tons of methane into the atmosphere in 2018. The collective methane release is “the climate-damage equivalent of consuming about 16 million barrels of crude oil,” which is nearly as much oil as the United States uses in a typical day.

Almost 30 million oil and gas wells around the world have been abandoned in recent decades by the oil industry. The exploitations were closed, but not the wells, but since then, they have not stopped releasing oil, methane and other toxic substances. It can cost anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000 to effectively seal off an older well, and as much as $300,000 to seal off a newer, deeper one.

Reuters News

Fossl Energy's innovative approach.

With a growing global demand in fossil fuels, the future of oil production must be sustainable and environmentally responsible. Our goal is to replace outdated jack pump wells with our advanced solar-powered pneumatic pump technology in select global markets including South America, Africa, and Asia.


  • Fossl Energy introduces a game-changing solution: advanced, sustainable technology for oil production.

  • Our solar-powered pneumatic pump technology enhances efficiency, reduces emissions, and increases production yield.

Key Features:

Solar-powered pneumatic pump technology.

  • Harnesses the power of the sun for sustainable and efficient oil production.

  • Significantly reduces reliance on conventional energy sources, minimizing environmental impact.

Fossl Energy data system

  • Customized for the industry's unique needs, it provides real-time monitoring, remote control, and personalized reporting, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

  • Integration with maps and automated reporting streamline decision-making, enhancing overall efficiency and safety.

Enhanced production efficiency.

  • Anticipate a value-added increase ranging from 10% to 30%+ compared to traditional methods.

  • Optimizes reservoir recovery, ensuring maximum yield from existing wells.

Carbon emission reduction

  • Achieves an impressive 90-100% reduction in carbon emissions compared to conventional oil production.

  • Aligns perfectly with global sustainability goals and environmental stewardship.

Carbon credit opportunities

  • Implementation of environmentally conscious solutions unlocks valuable carbon credits.

  • Introduces an additional revenue stream, enhancing overall profitability.

Environmental impact:

Fossl Energy's technology is a game-changer in the pursuit of sustainable hydrocarbon extraction.
Mitigates environmental harm associated with traditional oil production methods.

Fossl Energy's innovative technology not only enhances operational efficiency but also leads the industry towards a more sustainable future. By investing in Fossl Energy, you're contributing to a greener, more efficient global oil industry.

Seizing the market potential.

Fossl Energy is strategically positioned to capture a substantial market share in regions with high oil production and a growing commitment to environmental sustainability.

Market opportunity.

  • The global oil production industry is actively seeking sustainable solutions, creating a ripe market opportunity.

  • Initial target markets: South America, Africa, Asia. Future expansion plans for North America and Europe.

Market Data:

Global Oil Industry Size:
$4.3 Trillion USD, 29.5 Billion Barrels

Projected Growth Rate:
CAGR of 0.7% between 2024 and 2032.

The global oil production landscape:

The worldwide demand for oil continues to rise, driven by industrialization and population growth. However, increasing environmental concerns and regulatory pressure are shaping a shift towards sustainable extraction methods.South America, Africa, and Asia: Key target markets identified as high-potential regions for initial market penetration due to:

  • Growing energy demand

  • Emphasis on sustainable practices

Market research insights:

South America:

  • Emerging economies with substantial untapped oil reserves.

  • Increasing focus on environmental sustainability.


  • Rich oil reserves in various nations, presenting significant growth potential.

  • Adoption of eco-friendly technologies on the rise.


  • Dominant player in global energy consumption, driving demand for sustainable alternatives.

  • Regulatory initiatives favoring green technologies.

Fossl's edge.

  • Enhanced production: Anticipated value-added increase ranging from 10% to 30%+.

  • Sustainable practices: 90% -100% reduction in carbon emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals.

  • Carbon credit opportunities: A valuable additional revenue stream.

  • Reduced operational costs: Lower costs for the replaced wells, enhancing profitability.

Join us in shaping a sustainable future!

Fossl Energy invites strategic investments to accelerate the replacement of existing jack pump wells in select markets, in partnership with global energy leaders such as Ecopetrol and other major energy and oil companies. This collaborative approach will yield significant benefits for all parties involved.

Investment Opportunity: $40 million

  • SAFE Note

  • Debt

  • Equity

Use of funds:

Establishing a strong manufacturing relationship.
Establishing state-of-the-art production facility.
Ensuring compliance with local regulations.
Manufacturing 1000 units for the South America market.
Initial production run for market entry in Colombia.
Targeting high-demand regions.
Operations and infrastructure.
Procurement of raw materials and equipment.
Logistics and supply chain optimization.
Setting up a global team.
Recruitment of local talent.
Building a dedicated operations and sales team.

Market potential:
North and South America represents a dynamic and high-potential market for sustainable energy solutions.
Anticipated ROI driven by growing demand for eco-friendly technologies.
Expected milestones:Month 1-6: Commence production
Month 7-12: Market penetration and expansion

Seizing a sustainable future

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.

Energy + Art Summit & Gala

Energy Summit & Gala

FOSSL + PLEXXOEvent Proposal: Energy + Art Summit Event Overview:
Immerse yourself in three extraordinary days during the Energy + Art Colombia 2024 by Fossl, presented by Fossl Energy and Juliana Plexxo. Sponsored by Source Protocol, World Lending Group, and two prestigious real estate developers (To Be Determined), this three-day event harmonizes sustainable energy, captivating art, and a focus on Medellin's sustainable urban development projects for 2024.
Date and Venue: Reserve TBD, for an immersive experience in Medellin, Colombia. Locations will be revealed soon.

Highlighted Activities:Day 1: Cocktail PartyKick off the celebration with an elegant Cocktail Party where guests can enjoy a relaxed night of networking and anticipate the exciting activities that will follow.Day 2: Business Expo/Energy SummitExplore a dynamic Business Expo where participants and exhibitors will share innovative ideas about sustainable energy, art, and sustainable construction projects in Medellin. This day includes:Panel Discussion: Engage in a thought-provoking panel discussion on the future of sustainable and responsible urban growth and development. Experts will explore ways to reduce carbon emissions in oil production, emphasizing environmentally conscious practices that align with Fossl's commitment to a sustainable future.Day 3: Energy + Art GalaConclude the event with a dazzling Energy + Art Gala and live art performance by Juliana Plexxo, featuring a talk by the CEO of Fossl Energy, emphasizing Fossl's mission and goal to create a bridge for the future of energy and responsible oil production.Art Displays and Community Engagement: Explore displays of sustainable art, showcasing creations that align with a future focused on bringing communities together to implement art, design, and sustainability. These exhibits will illustrate the fusion of creativity, environmental consciousness, and community engagement.Event Objectives:Unite energy sustainability, artistry, and sustainable development for Earth Day (week prior).Inspire creative thinking towards environmental and urban responsibility.Facilitate networking opportunities for industry leaders and influencers.Showcase Fossl Energy and partners' commitment to a sustainable future in Medellin.

Fossl Energy

2023 © Fossl Energy. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential financial information pertaining to Fossl Energy, including but not limited to revenue projections, cost structures, investment details, and strategic plans. This information is provided solely for the purpose of evaluating potential investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. By accessing and reviewing this document, you agree to treat all information herein as strictly confidential. You shall not disclose, reproduce, or use this information for any purpose other than the evaluation of investment opportunities with Fossl Energy. This obligation of confidentiality shall remain in effect indefinitely.